Albuquerque NM Balloon Club

Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community

Community Relations Committee

Board Liaison: Chuck Studebaker [contact]

Need assistance? Have problems with a pilot or crew? Are you are a landowner or balloonist with information or questions about a particular piece of land? Please contact our Community Relations Chair using the link above.

Looking for a balloon ride donation or volunteer balloon appearance? Click here to complete a request form.


AAAA activities in the communityThe mission of the AAAA Community Relations committee is to promote the sport of hot air ballooning by building strong connections and goodwill between balloonists and the wider community.

We aim to achieve this through:

    • Education: Sharing knowledge about the art and science of ballooning.
    • Community Contributions: Engaging in initiatives that support and benefit the community.
    • Enhanced Communication: Strengthening relationships between the Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association (AAAA), its members, and the public.

Your feedback is vital to our efforts, ensuring we represent our members effectively in all that we do.


AAAA actively engages with the community through a wide range of activities, including:

Educational Presentations:
Offering hot air balloon presentations at schools, community seminars, service club meetings, and public events.

Event Participation:
Contributing to community events with static displays, tethered balloon demonstrations, balloon glows, and free flights.

Charitable Involvement:
Including charitable organizations in AAAA flying events and supporting community fundraisers with donated balloon ride certificates.

Establishing liaisons and collaborations with civic organizations to foster stronger connections.

Media Outreach:
Promoting ballooning events and highlighting charitable contributions made by balloonists.

Informational Exhibits:
Hosting exhibits at public gatherings and distributing AAAA publications and ballooning materials.

Community Engagement:
Responding to inquiries and fulfilling requests for information and appearances.

Speakers Bureau:
Providing expert speakers to raise awareness and educate local groups about ballooning.

Landowner Education:
Teaching balloonists about the rights of landowners and residents, encouraging respectful behavior, and fostering positive relationships.

Appreciation Programs:
Expanding recognition programs to reward pilots and crews for positive interactions with landowners and residents.

Conflict Resolution:
Mediating disputes between balloonists and landowners to achieve positive outcomes.

Committee Collaboration:
Working with other AAAA committees to address community relations within their activities.

AAAA members are also available to participate in presentations, exhibits, and other public gatherings, serving as an informational resource for visitors.