Hot-Air Ballooning - Albuquerque, NM

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Online Private Pilot Ground School


Are you looking to become a Private Hot Air Balloon Pilot? This is where you get the ground instruction you need to pass the written FAA Knowledge Exam. The Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association Education (AAAA) Committee has produced this class specifically for online use.

With this Ground School, you will have 6 months to complete the course. If you complete the course within the 6 months and pass our final exam, your access to the course and material will be extended 1 year from your initial enrollment date. This allows you time to complete your flight training while still having access to the ground school material. This is helpful to prep for the oral portion of your checkride.

IMPORTANT — Students need to purchase the resources below at prior to taking the online course. Approximate cost will be $51.65 w/ shipping fees.

  • ASA Private Pilot Test Prep Book
  • ASA Rotating Plotter
  • Denver VFR Sectional Aeronautical Chart

The following item will be sent to you directly from AAAA:

  • AAAA Weight / Temperature Calculator